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All tasks in Herding Cats have a size. The size is a number, and is usually displayed as that number of tiny cats. The default size is 2.

Groups of 1, 2 and 3 tiny cats, representing the corresponding sizesGroups of 1, 2 and 3 tiny cats, representing the corresponding sizes
Tiny cats representing task sizes 1, 2 and 3.

It’s up to you to decide what these sizes mean for you and your workflow.

Maybe size 1 is a small task, meaning you only need 1 cat’s worth of effort to do it, or you only get to pet 1 cat as a reward for completing that task.

Or perhaps size 3 is a tiny task that you’ve already put in a bunch of effort to break a big piece of work down into, and you give yourself many cats as a thankyou to past you for putting in that effort.